Tonight the Stars Changhua Leisure Farm

Introduction of the Spot

With love for animals, the owner of the farm has established a dynamic world of mountains and forests.

Driving to the entrance of Tonight the Stars Changhua Leisure Farm, tourists can see tall nutcracker soldiers standing at both sides of the hill, declaring their mission to protect the animals day and night. You can then see several alpacas getting close to and greeting visitors. Often you can also see some of the beautiful peacocks flaunting their tails. There are also groups of guinea pigs waiting for visitors to see them. This is a farm famous for taking good care of animals.

The owner of the farm, Shih Lien-Pang, has settled here for ten years. Originally he bought a piece of farmland here to grow trees and flowers in his free time, but he found the squirrels stole the fruit off the trees grown by farmers. Therefore, Shih Lien-Pang held a movement to save the squirrels from being considered as pests, and turned the farmland into a habitat for keeping animals. Unexpectedly, the yard of his house became a place for local villagers to watch animals. He also heard the joyful laughter of children playing with the animals he kept, and so decided to establish a paradise exclusively for animals.

The mountain is covered with litchies. Tourists get a complete view of the ecological landscape.

The farm grows many old Hei Yeh litchi trees. Every summer, these trees grow clusters of fruit. To protect the natural ecological landscape and keep the animals safe, Shi Liang-ban does not use any pesticides. The fruit trees grow naturally. When the trees bear fruit, tourists can pick and eat litchies on-site and enjoy the beauty of the rural village. "I wanted to establish a farm good enough to pass on to the next generation sustainably."

With such an ideal, Shi Liang-ban not only takes care of animals on a daily basis, but also shows strong affection toward the litchi trees at the farm. To familiarize tourists with his own philosophy, he often plays the role of a tour guide and introduces his approach on being friendly to the environment, pick fruit without wasting it, and the advantage of the nutrients from fresh fruit.

When litchies experience sluggish sales during the harvest season, Shi Liang-ban takes the initiative to work with farmers in local agriculture production and marketing groups and provide free space for them to sell litchies, solving the farmers' problems. With the local government's active assistance, the farm has now become a model leisure farm.