Refresh Leisure Farm

Introduction of the Spot

This Farm is the most beautiful backyard in Taipei. The strawberries and tankans have received organic certification.
Refresh Farm is the first leisure farm in Taipei and the largest in Neihu. With the Neigou River passing through, the Farm is also surrounded by mountains. It offers a scenic panorama, grows diverse flowers and plants, and has a view of Dajianshan in the distance. Seasonal fruit includes cherry tomatoes, pomelos, pokans, etc. In 2012, the strawberries and tankans in Area A obtained Tse-Xin Organic Certification. Furthermore, the Farm provides firm-roasted TN57 sweet potatoes, and in winter, visitors can pick radishes. The Farm is Taipei’s most beautiful and interesting backyard.
Another advantage is that the Farm is conveniently accessible by public transportation. Tourists can take the MRT to Kunyang Station and take Small 3 Bus across the street. It takes about 30 minutes to Daqiutian Earth God Temple. Then walk up the slope about 5 minutes to Refresh Farm. The sign outside the Farm is understated and plain, but the Farm is amazingly broad inside. The Xu Family settled here over 300 years and eight generations ago. Emphasizing ecological restoration and maintenance, the Farm contains natural landscape and a variety of fruits and vegetables. It is worth visiting again and again for young and old alike.

The green curtain tomato tunnel is very eye-catching. The valley filled with tankans is spectacular.
The green house strawberry farm is broad and vast with clean and dry aisles. One area grows safe, traceable strawberries, while the other area grows certified organic strawberries. Owner Hsu, San-Chi jokes that many children pick and eat the organic strawberries while their parents seem to prefer safe strawberries with traceability. In general, visitors prefer the large strawberries, but in fact, the small, red ones with a crisp taste are also delicious.
In winter, the Farm harvests cherry tomatoes. The owner frequently ventilates and reduces diseases and pests by pruning leaves. The green curtain ruby tunnel is popular among girls. The tangerine orchard is under toxic free cultivation, and the tankans have passed organic certification. At the end of every year, the whole valley looks spectacular, as if covered with small yellow lightbulbs. Visitors can also barbeque and rest under pomelo trees. They can pick a variety of fruit at all the orchards of the Farm.

The farmer restores the ecology by growing rice and producing green fertilizers. He cultivates sprouts in person to control diseases and pests.
“After strawberry season ends, the farmer starts flooding the field and spreads rice seeds around June and July. However, instead of harvesting the rice, he makes green fertilizers, sterilizes, kills pests, and restores the ecology. When the land is nourished and the soil fertilized, trace elements and minerals increase. The farmer can grow better quality strawberries.” It takes “extra work” to grow strawberries at the Farm. The costs of manpower and time are higher. However, the price of the strawberries remains the same. Xu San-qi, having been elected as a model farmer in Taiwan, insists on growing strawberries under these principles.
“I don’t buy seedlings because I cultivate them on my own. The advantage is that I can control diseases and pests. The survival rate is high. If I accidentally buy seedlings with diseases or pests, it would be a disaster if the diseases or pests spread.” Hsu, San-Chi take meticulous care of everything he grows, including strawberries, tomatoes, tangerines, and pomelos. For example, July 2020 was particularly hot, and there were a lot of stink bugs in the ponkan orchard. The farmer caught hundreds of stink bugs every day. In November and December, because the farmer did not use pesticides and because there was a lot of heavy rainfall, up to 80% of the ponkans fell down. The farmer’s heart was broken watching his efforts over the whole year wasted.
“I don’t buy seedlings because I cultivate them on my own. The advantage is that I can control diseases and pests. The survival rate is high. If I accidentally buy seedlings with diseases or pests, it would be a disaster if the diseases or pests spread.” Hsu, San-Chi take meticulous care of everything he grows, including strawberries, tomatoes, tangerines, and pomelos. For example, July 2020 was particularly hot, and there were a lot of stink bugs in the ponkan orchard. The farmer caught hundreds of stink bugs every day. In November and December, because the farmer did not use pesticides and because there was a lot of heavy rainfall, up to 80% of the ponkans fell down. The farmer’s heart was broken watching his efforts over the whole year wasted.
In general, children from a farmer’s family grow up and want to leave the farm. For Hsu, San-Chi , who turns 60 this year, although he had found a good job after graduating from the Dept. of Auto Maintenance of a vocational high school, his father strongly opposed it: “You are the eldest son. You have to stay!” Because of this, the eldest brother works hard farming without complaint. He then took advanced studies and visited related areas in Taiwan and abroad and selflessly shared what he learned, helping to improve Neihu’s leisure agriculture.