Forest 18 Leisure Farm
No. 16-8, Tianzai Ln., Tianzai Vil., Mingjian Township, Nantou County

Introduction of the Spot

Fragrant Eucalyptus Farm with Giant Towering Trees

Sen 18 Leisure Farm is located in the Tri-Mountain National Scenic Area and is surrounded by mountains. It overlooks the Bagua Mountain Dry Irrigation Reservoir, which is known as “Little Sun Moon Lake.” The scenery here is very enchanting with up to 4000 pings that is not only covered with eucalyptus trees but is divided into a vegetable area, Chinese medicinal herb area, herb area, avian area, etc. Devoted to a “green life,” the Farm features a rich natural ecological landscape. Wandering around the Farm, you can hear leaves rustling, see the beautiful changes in light and shadow, breathe in the pure and refreshing phytoncides of the forest, and deeply sense the harmonious relationship between people and other life.
It is particularly worth mentioning that the landscape restaurant on the Farm is not only simple and stylish, but also emphasizes the use of “authentic herbal cuisine” made of local ingredients and home-grown herbs. The dishes are widely praised because of the emphasis on “pure origin, meticulous work, and zero additives.” Moreover, the Farm provides various aroma DIY activities as well as themed products such as eucalyptus hand wash, tea tree body wash, lavender moisturizing skin lotion, etc.