Dawn Rose Organic Farm
No. 1-16, Dazhuang,Xinfu Vil. 5 Neighborhood, Fanlu Township, Chiayi County

Introduction of the Spot

Meet the Romantic Kingdom of the “King of Flowers”

Everyone has a rose in their heart. Dawn Rose Organic Farm covers an area of 5 hectares at the foot of Alishan. Initially, due to the owner Zhen Yu-chao’s exclusive love for roses, he not only built the garden planted with roses but also insisted on planting roses in organic and natural ways with the thought that “since I love roses, I cannot spray them with pesticides.” Now, you can see Rouge Royale, Double Delight, Dancing Girl of Izu, and more than 200 kinds of beautiful roses both in the screen houses and outdoor planting zones. Also, under the guidance of the owner, visitors can appreciate the roses using all five senses. From brewing a cup of rose tea, making a jar of rose jam, stir-frying rose salt to making romantic and beautiful DIY rose chocolates, the charm of the “king of flowers” can be deeply sensed through the fragrance, colors, and postures of the rose petals.